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Science Camp

Keywords: STEAM Curriculum Design | Project-based Learning | Social Emotional Learning

Audiences9-12 year-olds

Year: 2022


Highlights: I successfully transformed the traditional 8-2 boy-girl enrollment ratio into a more equitable 6-4 distribution, promoting greater diversity and inclusivity to create an engaging environment for all campers.

Courses and activities designed and implemented
Campers served across 5 camp terms
Campers returned or enrolled in additional camp programs

Program At a Glance

2022 Science Camp was a 13-day boarding camp specifically designed for science enthusiasts. Centered on three key pillars: discovery, creativity, and courage, we aimed to guide young minds through a journey of interactive, hands-on activities to spark curiosity and passion for science.


  • Designed overall curriculum, camp activities

  • Prepared camp marketing materials

  • Recruited workshop teachers and co-designed workshop lesson plans

  • Oversaw implementation of the camp



Project Earth: The Ultimate Rescue Mission

The Stellar Drift: A Journey to Mars

Adventure Challenge: Into the Ocean

SEL in Nature



5 camp terms, each served 20-90 children

10-14 teachers and trainers per term

10-34 camp counselors per term

60+ courses and activities offered

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Design Approach


Most workshops and activities integrated art with STEM subjects to nurture creativity and innovation.

Project-based Learning

Designed learning through the active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.

Community Fostering

A nurturing family-like atmosphere was cultivated, supporting communal living, working, and play.


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Featured Workshops

Project Earth

This nine-day workshop unraveled the science and technology behind wildlife protection.


The workshop touched base on infrared cameras, AI image recognition, data analysis, and more. Through experiments, discussions, and model building, campers employed design thinking to craft robots aimed at safeguarding wildlife.

Adventure Challenge

In three sessions, campers were introduced to the world of maritime sports, tackling paddle boarding and surfing.


These challenging activities were chosen not only for the thrill they offer but also for their capacity to forge resilience and endurance within young adventurers.

A Journey to Mars

In a series of five sessions, young explorers were tasked to be the first settlers on Mars.


They ventured from understanding atmospheric pressure to constructing water rockets, and finally, hosting a Martian party. The workshop integrated experiments and games to make the learning experience interactive and fun.

SEL in Nature

This four-sessions workshop used nature education methodologies, providing campers with the opportunity to connect with their emotions.


Amidst the natural landscape, campers learned to navigate their emotions, understand empathy, and cultivate a deep appreciation for nature's bounty.

Design Process

The overall curriculum went through 3 iterations in the original brainstorming phase, and specific workshops went through 5+ iterations during the entire 6 months. 

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* Used Xmind for brainstorming and presenting initial ideas.

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Designing the future of education, one innovative and playful learning experience at a time.

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